Sansevieria Kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’: The Unique Snake Plants

Sansevieria Kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’: The Unique Snake Plants

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‍Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ are two fascinating varieties of Snake Plants that have gained popularity among plant enthusiasts.

These unique houseplants possess distinctive colors and characteristics that make them stand out from the crowd.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about these intriguing plants, from their origins and common names to their care requirements and propagation methods.

Origins and Common Names

The Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ belong to the Sansevieria genus. While the older botanical name for these plants is Sansevieria kirkii, the correct modern name is Dracaena pethera var. pulchra.

These Snake Plants are often referred to by their common names, which are derived from the colors present on their leaves.

The ‘Silver Blue’ variety features slightly silvery blue leaves, especially noticeable on new leaves that are less than a year old. As the leaves mature, the blue hue tends to fade.

On the other hand, the ‘Coppertone’ variety showcases deep bronze leaves that maintain their color even as they age. Both varieties have thick leaves with mottled patterns and red or green markings on the edges.

Care and Growing Guide

Light Requirements

Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ thrive in bright light conditions. While Snake Plants are known for their ability to tolerate lower light levels, these particular varieties require good light levels to showcase their unique colors.

Place them in a spot with full sunlight or bright indirect light to ensure optimal growth and color development.


Snake Plants, including the Sansevieria kirkii, have average watering needs. However, these varieties are even more drought-tolerant and prefer to be on the drier side.

Water your plants thoroughly and allow the potting mix to completely dry out before watering again.

The frequency of watering will depend on your specific growing conditions, so it’s essential to monitor the soil moisture and adjust accordingly.


Maintaining proper humidity levels is not a significant concern for Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’. While they can tolerate high humidity levels, there is no need to avoid placing them in bathrooms or kitchens.

Even if humidity levels reach 90% or higher, it will decrease once the room stops being used.


These Snake Plants do not require frequent feeding. Start with feeding them at least twice a year using an everyday houseplant fertilizer.

If desired, you can increase the frequency to once a month, but excessive fertilization may harm the plants. Consider using a specialized fertilizer for succulents or cacti for optimal results.


Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ thrive in warm temperatures. Ideally, the daytime temperature during the growing seasons should be above 18°C (65°F).

While these plants can tolerate higher temperatures found in most homes, be mindful of the potting mix drying out faster in hot conditions, which may require more frequent watering.

Avoid exposing them to freezing temperatures below 5°C (41°F) to prevent potential cold damage.


The roots of Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ do not outgrow their containers quickly. However, as the rhizomes and leaves push out to the edges of the pot, repotting becomes necessary to promote more leaf growth.

When repotting, choose a slightly larger pot with a free-draining potting mix. It is crucial to ensure the mix does not hold excessive amounts of water to prevent overwatering issues.

Consider adding non-porous materials like sharp sand or perlite to improve drainage.


There are two common methods of propagating Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’: division and leaf cuttings.

Division: To divide the plant, you need a mature and congested plant. Carefully unpot the plant and separate the sections, ensuring each part has its own root system. Plan your cuts carefully to ensure successful growth of each divided section.

Leaf Cuttings: Take a healthy leaf and cut it horizontally. Plant the leaf about an inch deep in a pot with well-draining soil mixed with sharp sand or another suitable material. The leaf itself will not grow, but it will stimulate root growth at the cut edge, eventually resulting in the emergence of new leaves.

Active growth should be visible within two months, although it may take longer in low-light or low-temperature conditions.

Speed of Growth

Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ are considered slow-growing plants. Each rhizome produces only one or two leaves per year.

However, if multiple rhizomes are present in the same pot, active growth will be more noticeable as each part of the clump produces its own set of leaves.

Over time, the plants will spread and form a sizable mound, creating a visually appealing display.

Size and Spread

Although Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ are not particularly large Snake Plants, they do spread and form a substantial cluster over the years.

Their low-growing rosettes will eventually overhang and stretch out from the planter, adding an interesting dimension to their appearance.

While they may not grow tall, they will spread wide, so ensure you have adequate space to accommodate their growth.


While Snake Plants are primarily sought after for their foliage, Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ can produce flowers with proper care and maturity. Flowering typically occurs during early or mid-summer, although it can happen at other times of the year as well.

You may notice a long, thin flowering spike that eventually blooms over a month, emitting a strong floral scent reminiscent of Ylang Ylang. If desired, you can remove the flowers once they have finished blooming.

Pet Safety

Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ contain a low level of toxicity, making them potentially harmful to pets. Ingestion of significant portions of the plant may result in moderate side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, and drooling.

While the effects are usually not severe, it’s important to keep these plants out of reach of curious pets.


Due to their thick, stiff leaves, Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ can attract dust. Regularly wiping the leaves with a damp cloth every six months or so will help keep them clean and free from dust buildup.


Sansevieria kirkii ‘Silver Blue’ and ‘Coppertone’ are exceptional Snake Plants that add a touch of uniqueness to any indoor space. With their striking colors and easy-going nature, these plants are a joy to care for. By providing them with adequate light, proper watering, and well-draining soil, you can ensure their optimal growth and vibrant appearance.

Whether you choose to propagate them through division or leaf cuttings, these plants will continue to delight with their slow but steady growth. So, why not add a touch of elegance and charm to your home with these fascinating Snake Plants?

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